Emissions Commitment
and Decarbonization Pathways

WT Microelectronics is committed to the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. We have set ambitious near-term and long-term targets to achieve this goal:
WT Microelectronics is committed to the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. We have set ambitious near-term and long-term targets to achieve this goal:

To achieve these targets, we are implementing a number of initiatives, including:

•Increasing energy efficiency in our operation facilities.
•Investing in renewable energy and energy storage.
•Survey and purchase green energy or other alternative renewable energy certificates.
•Encourage our outsourced transportation fleet to adopt electric trucks.
•Working with our suppliers to reduce their GHG emissions.
•Collaborating with our customers and other stakeholders to develop innovative solutions to reduce GHG Scope 3 emissions.

We believe that our decarbonization journey is critical to our future growth and prosperity, and to building a more sustainable future for all our stakeholders and the planet.


Clean Technology

Embracing Clean Technology, Journeying Towards a Sustainable New World Semiconductors, as powerful catalysts in modern life, industries and economic activities, drive the development of new technologies and applications across various domains. WT serves as the distributor for world-renowned semiconductor suppliers. As promoter of clean technology, we act as intermediaries between

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Devoted employees are the biggest push behind the people-oriented company. WT understands that PEOPLE are the most important asset of an enterprise‭, ‬and the biggest push for the company comes from devoted employees‭. ‬In order to create a better work environment for employees and attract professional talents to join the

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Health Management

Health of every employee is valued with prevention and promotion measures. WT currently has a full-time health manager in Taiwan to plan and promote employee health management‭. ‬In addition to providing health check consultation and advice to employees‭, ‬doctors are also invited to the company every month for medical consultation

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Refined Tax Policy

Taxes are not only a cornerstone of national governments‭’ ‬provision of local infrastructure and public services‭, ‬but also an important source of funding to attain global sustainable development goals‭. ‬In response to changes in global tax environment‭, ‬increasingly complex cross-border transactions and global anti-avoidance trends‭, ‬we continue to interact and

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