Workplace Safety

Proactive training to prevent problems before they occur No work-related injuries for 3 consecutive years

WT adheres to an occupational safety and health policy of “protecting employees and preventing hazards,” and promotes the occupational safety system in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. We analyze potential hazards and possible hazards in operations, the causes of hazards in the flowchart of work safety operations, and possible types of hazards to be prevented, so as to achieve the goal of zero disasters.

Rigorous assessment and compliance with safety regulations before commissioning

When all of WT’s logistics centres are set up, complete safety assessments have already been conducted beforehand, including guidelines for escape routes, fire-fighting facilities, monitoring equipment, and fire-fighting and security systems. Permission for use is granted only after all the regulations are met.

Zero employee injuries, demonstrating a safe workplace and employee safety awareness

In 2021, no incapacitating injuries occurred at any of WT’s operating bases in Taiwan. Therefore, the occupational injury fatalities, serious incapacitating injuries and recordable occupational injury rate (TRIR) are all zero. Suppliers and contractors working in offices or logistics centers did not have any work-related injuries in 2021.

Regular drills to enhance staff safety education and training

WT not only ensures that all employees are familiar with occupational safety and health-related laws and regulations and the company’s safety and health management mechanism, but also provides safety-related education training and drills on a regular basis. In 2021, the logistics centers in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Shenzhen all held fire drills on a regular basis, and the Taiwan Logistics Center also invited the fire department to conduct fire prevention education classes. There are also occupational safety officers, first aid officers and fire prevention managers in the logistics centers, who are regularly trained in accordance with the law to keep abreast of the latest labor safety knowledge and skills.

Prevention management, develop improved security measures

In accordance with fire safety regulations, WT has set up various comprehensive protective facilities in the work environment and has delineated areas for fire prevention and management. We arranged for colleagues in charge of each floor to conduct regular inspections every month so as to prevent any possible disaster. Every year, staff members are sent to participate in fire drills and training activities organized by the Management Committee to understand the evacuation procedure forour park. Every year in March, external fire-fighting agencies carry out inspections and make reports, and fire-fighting establishments and drills are carried out in March and July every year to strengthen the escape and emergency response capabilities of the entire staff.


Environmental Management

Raising Carbon Reduction StandardsResponding to the global trend of energy efficiency and carbon reduction In order to respond to the development of the country’s overall greenhouse gas reduction strategy and achieve the sustainable development goal of energy efficiency and carbon reduction, WT has been implementing greenhouse gas inventories on a yearly basis since 2018 and has appointed a third party to carry out verification, with greenhouse gas emissions originally targeted to be reduced by 1%

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WT sends warmth to frontline healthcare workers with practical action In May 2021, Taiwan was completely sealed off due to the pandemic with many people working from home. We could only hear the sound of ambulances whistling past, which was terrifying. WT donated epidemic prevention funds and materials amounting to NT$5 million to support front-line epidemic prevention hospitals, fire departments and medical personnel, including the emergency epidemic prevention funds of Shuangho Hospital in New Taipei

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Foreword from Our CEO

Continuous Learning and Improvement We have only one Earth! Any upheaval is a relevant and meaningful wake-up call that challenges a business entity to strive for better operation. Amid the current pandemic, environmental landscape shifts, unpredictable climate risks, energy supply crises, and changes in the industry’s developments, I am very pleased to see that WT Microelectronics’ team achieved a new record of business revenue once again in 2021. It is particularly important to note that,

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Employee Relations

Awarded Taiwan iSports Certification Bringing each other closer through group activities WT encourages staff to set up and participate in various clubs, which can not only provide physical and mental stimulation in various ways but also cultivate interest outside work. In particular, various activities and competitions are held by sports clubs every year to promote exchanges among staff members on the one hand, and participate in various competitions externally on the other, which can also

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