Continued growth in 2022! 28% increase in group operating revenue
Financial Performance
Continued growth in 2022! 28% increase in group operating revenue


WT’s operating revenue increased by 28%‭ ‬from NTD447.9‭ ‬billion in 2021‭ ‬to NTD571.2‭ ‬billion in 2022‭. ‬The net profit for 2022‭ ‬was NTD7.6‭ ‬billion‭, ‬and the after-tax EPS was about NT$8.61‭ ‬based on the weighted average number of shares‭.‬

Continuous optimization and upgrade in the semiconductor sector

Digital transformation has been accelerating since the pandemic began‭. ‬With sustainable development‭, ‬energy conservation‭, ‬and carbon reduction as the shared goals‭, ‬the semiconductor sector will maintain strong market potential in the long run‭. ‬Despite the‭ ‬challenges from macroeconomic uncertainties and inventory adjustments in the semiconductor sector in the short term‭, ‬WT will continue to develop high-growth products for applications such as third-generation semiconductors‭, ‬electric vehicles‭, ‬energy management‭, ‬green energy‭, ‬cloud data centers‭, ‬5G communications‭, ‬etc‭, ‬of which the rapid development also demands semiconductor components‭. ‬In addition to further developing high-growth product application markets and increasing the market share‭, ‬WT will carry on digital optimization to improve operational efficiency‭, ‬optimize operational management systems‭, ‬strengthen financial control‭ ‬systems‭, ‬and strengthen human resource management to enhance our ability to provide added value in the semiconductor industry chain‭, ‬and build the foundation for a sustainable corporate‭.‬


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The last report was released in June 2023. This report was released in Augest 2024.

Contact person:Pow Ling, General Director of Public Relations Department
Address:14F, No.738, Chung Cheng Road, Chung Ho District, New Taipei City 235603, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
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