Emissions Commitment
and Decarbonization Pathways

WT Microelectronics is committed to the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. We have set ambitious near-term and long-term targets to achieve this goal:
WT Microelectronics is committed to the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. We have set ambitious near-term and long-term targets to achieve this goal:

To achieve these targets, we are implementing a number of initiatives, including:

•Increasing energy efficiency in our operation facilities.
•Investing in renewable energy and energy storage.
•Survey and purchase green energy or other alternative renewable energy certificates.
•Encourage our outsourced transportation fleet to adopt electric trucks.
•Working with our suppliers to reduce their GHG emissions.
•Collaborating with our customers and other stakeholders to develop innovative solutions to reduce GHG Scope 3 emissions.

We believe that our decarbonization journey is critical to our future growth and prosperity, and to building a more sustainable future for all our stakeholders and the planet.


Energy Management

Energy and electricity saving start from the purchase of green energy and electricity. WT’s total energy consumption was 16,271‭ ‬GJ in 2022‭, ‬with an increase due to the inclusion of operating bases in China and South‭ ‬Korea in the scope‭. ‬The biggest source of energy was non-renewable electricity purchased from

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Inclusive Workplace

A work environment of mutual trust and respect between employers and employees is created through communication and trust. WT values the welfare and rights of its employees and actively promotes harmonious relations between management and labors‭. ‬Work‭ ‬rules and various management regulations have been formulated in accordance with the Labor

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Analysis of material issues

The 19 sustainability issues were surveyed to understand stakeholders’ level of interest In order to understand key stakeholders‭’ ‬concerns and expectations on WT’s sustainability management‭, ‬the 19‭ ‬sustainability issues were made into a questionnaire asking respondents to rank the sustainability issues by their own level of interests and concerns‭. ‬The

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Commitment to Ethical Corporate Management

The global corporate governance philosophy of transparency and anti-corruption has been followed. Integrity is WT’s most important core value and business philosophy‭. ‬Employees must abide by clear moral standards and code of conduct‭, ‬and do their utmost to fulfill our commitments to shareholders‭, ‬banks‭, ‬customers‭, ‬employees‭, ‬vendors and other suppliers‭,

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