Emissions Commitment
and Decarbonization Pathways

WT Microelectronics is committed to the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. We have set ambitious near-term and long-term targets to achieve this goal:
WT Microelectronics is committed to the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 through reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy. We have set ambitious near-term and long-term targets to achieve this goal:

To achieve these targets, we are implementing a number of initiatives, including:

•Increasing energy efficiency in our operation facilities.
•Investing in renewable energy and energy storage.
•Survey and purchase green energy or other alternative renewable energy certificates.
•Encourage our outsourced transportation fleet to adopt electric trucks.
•Working with our suppliers to reduce their GHG emissions.
•Collaborating with our customers and other stakeholders to develop innovative solutions to reduce GHG Scope 3 emissions.

We believe that our decarbonization journey is critical to our future growth and prosperity, and to building a more sustainable future for all our stakeholders and the planet.


Letter from the CEO

Sustainability makes us see ourselves better. ESG is a game changer that has been drawing global attention.Indeed, the sustainability of the Earth determines the sustainability of an enterprise, and the pursuit of sustainability is meant to be part of our everyday practice. The implementation, advocating and learning of sustainability start

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Sustainable Supply Chain

Supplier environmental and social management three goals In recent years, the proportion of purchases from the top 20 suppliers of WT’s revenue has reached more than 90% of the total group’s purchase amount. The relevant supplier management is also mainly focused on the top 20 suppliers. Considering WT as an

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Water Resource Management

Active implementation and education have achieved remarkable results in water conservation. The water intake at WT’s operating bases in Taiwan are mainly used for circulated water of air conditioners and daily-life water‭ ‬consumed by employees in office areas‭. ‬The water is entirely sourced from the local water companies‭ (‬fresh water‭)

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Inclusive Workplace

A work environment of mutual trust and respect between employers and employees is created through communication and trust. WT values the welfare and rights of its employees and actively promotes harmonious relations between management and labors‭. ‬Work‭ ‬rules and various management regulations have been formulated in accordance with the Labor

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