Green Design and Investment

Innovation of products and management are accelerated to meet the new challenges of sustainable development.

The market is changing constantly with new and different product applications‭. ‬In response‭, ‬product design must not only take into account the cost‭, ‬function and quality of a product‭, ‬but also the innovation of and solutions with new technologies and materials‭, ‬as well as the impact of the product on the environment‭. ‬In addition to maintaining a product portfolio with new technologies and high efficiency‭, ‬WT also gives priority to assisting customers in adopting systematic solutions that can improve product‭ ‬energy efficiency‭, ‬and using components containing no harmful substances‭, ‬so as to meet the requirements of energy saving‭, ‬carbon reduction‭, ‬and environmental protection‭.‬

Semiconductor components are crucial to electronic products‭. ‬In alignment with the green design thinking‭, ‬WT further promotes highly efficient green semiconductor components with reduced energy loss‭, ‬so that the customers may design and produce from a forward-looking and sustainable perspective environmentally friendly‭, ‬high quality products with reduced energy consumption and of high energy efficiency‭ .‬

Highly efficient semiconductor components with low energy loss are promoted to carry out green thinking.

WT Technology represents world-renowned semiconductor vendors‭, ‬and works with varied customers to meet their demands in R&D‭, ‬design‭, ‬manufacturing‭, ‬and brand marketing‭. ‬As a bridge between vendors and customers‭, ‬it has been developing new applications and‭ ‬introducing new solutions to improve the energy efficiency of existing products such as third-generation semiconductors‭, ‬high-speed computing processors‭, ‬new-generation high-speed memories‭, ‬IoT microprocessors‭, ‬high-performance RF components‭, ‬3D sensors‭, ‬artificial intelligence‭, ‬and digital power supplies‭. ‬WT offers electronic components of improved energy efficiency and performance at the same power consumption to be applied in such fields as green energy‭, ‬alternative fuel vehicles‭, ‬industrial automation‭, ‬machine vision‭, ‬artificial intelligence‭, ‬cloud and edge computing‭, ‬data centers‭, ‬energy storage systems‭, ‬5G networks‭, ‬and long-haul and short-range communications and services‭, ‬etc‭.‬

WT keeps informed of electronic component market development trends‭, ‬new technologies‭, ‬solutions and designs‭, ‬and offers education and training on relevant product applications‭, ‬so as to work with the customers to achieve forward-looking and sustainable design‭. ‬To enhance awareness and application of the vendor’s products‭, ‬a total of as much as NTD 655‭ ‬millions were spent in research and development in 2022‭, ‬up 7.61%‭ ‬from 2021‭.‬

WT systematically classifies and manages the application fields of the products it sells‭, ‬so as to always provide customers with‭ ‬optimal services and forward-looking sustainably designed products in a timely manner‭. ‬In response to the‭ “‬Reference Guidelines‭ ‬for the Identification of Sustainable Economic Activities‭” ‬promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission in 2022‭, ‬WT analyzed the application fields of existing products and identified those meet forward-looking economic activities‭, ‬such as low-carbon transportation technology applications‭, ‬high-energy-efficiency equipment manufacturing‭, ‬high-energy-efficiency technology applications‭, ‬and renewable energy installation‭, ‬etc‭. ‬They accounted for 9.86%‭ ‬of the existing products in 2022‭, ‬with another 33.18‭% ‬to be determined depending on the actual use by the customers whether they meet the description of forward-looking economic activities‭. ‬Forward-looking economic activities are an important industry and product development trend for global sustainable development‭. ‬WT will continue to promote product applications and improve technical development and economic activities related to‭ ‬forward-looking economic activities‭, ‬with the goal of accounting for 20%‭ ‬of the revenue by 2030‭.‬

An advanced electronic system was introduced for paperless inventory management.

WT has logistics centers for receiving and shipping goods in Taiwan‭, ‬Hong Kong‭, ‬Shenzhen‭, ‬Singapore‭, ‬and South Korea‭. ‬Purchase orders are placed to the logistics center located the closest to the customer to keep warehouse transfer and delivery distances short‭. ‬All logistics center operations are processed through paperless electronic procedures on an advanced logistics information‭ ‬system‭. ‬With Wi-fi network accessible from every corner of the logistics center‭, ‬PDAs are used to scan product and storage placement barcodes upon slotting‭, ‬picking‭, ‬and relocation for a real-time update of relevant accounts and stock location on the system‭. ‬Stock cards are no longer needed for record keeping‭. ‬An automated warehousing system is scheduled to be introduced to the Singapore logistics center in 2023‭ ‬to further optimize the management of receiving‭, ‬shipment and warehousing‭.‬

Receiving management

‧When a purchase order is placed, the shipment is set to be received by the warehouse that is the closest to the scheduled delivery destination
‧The shipment and logistics information from the vendor is interfaced to the freight tracking system to keep an up-to-date track on the shipment.
‧After the vendor ships out, the PO is automatically interfaced to the warehouse receiving system (status "pending") to promote paperless operations.
‧The receiving procedures are all performed with PDAs scanning barcodes for the material number, quantity, and manufacturing-related information.

Warehousing management

‧A logistic system was introduced to process all warehousing management with electronic procedures. Upon slotting, sorting, relocation, product barcodes are scanned with PDAs to update inventory record on the system.
‧For inventory taking, the system generates an electronic inventory. After he product barcodes are scanned with and quantities entered into PDAs against the list, the system will generate an inventory result report in real time.

Shipping management

‧Upon acceptance of a shipment order, the system automatically picks the goods according to the first-in-first-out principle. Priority is also given to shipping in the original carton to reduce the use of packaging materials.
‧For an order is less than the quantity of one original container, the system automatically selects the most suitable carton size for the quantity to reduce the use of filling materials. The original carton is recycled and reused for another shipment order that fits.

All logistics center operations are processed through paperless electronic procedures on an advanced logistics information system‭, ‬which is used to optimize the number of freight trips‭, ‬and consolidate shipment orders to minimize transportation batches and‭ ‬carbon mileage‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬290,767‭ ‬orders were consolidated at the five logistics centers‭, ‬reducing the number of bills of lading‭ ‬by 64.91%‭. ‬Among them‭, ‬the Shenzhen logistics center serves a relatively small number of customers and thus has difficulties in‭ ‬consolidating shipment orders‭.‬

Shipment Consolidation and electronic procedures greatly reduced paper consumption‭.‬

With an operating strategy of digital optimization‭, ‬the paper-based operations have been replaced and PDAs are now used to scan‭ ‬product and storage placement barcodes upon slotting‭, ‬picking‭, ‬relocation and shipping for warehousing management procedures in‭ ‬the five WT logistic centers‭.‬

Less packaging‭, ‬more recycling

WT continues to cut down on packaging materials with efforts including using paper pallets whenever possible for loading products in warehouses and shipments‭, ‬reducing the usage of filling materials‭, ‬and always using renewable packaging materials for logistics operations‭. ‬In addition‭, ‬nothing but the necessary stacking and transportation precautions are to be printed on the cartons‭ ‬purchased by WT‭.‬

Products received from the vendors will be warehoused in the original packages if repackaging is not planned for shipment‭. ‬If repackaging is necessary‭, ‬all the removed original cartons and filling materials will be collected for reuse‭, ‬and classified as‭ “‬environmentally friendly cartons‭” ‬for statistics and management purposes‭. ‬For shipment packaging‭, ‬recycled cartons will be used whenever possible to reduce the use of new cartons‭. ‬The fillers used to protect the products in the cartons are made of bio-degradable materials‭.‬

Taiwan and Hong Kong began to be kept track of for the usage of filling materials‭ (‬in meters‭) ‬in 2020‭. ‬An average of 0.19‭ ‬meters‭ ‬of filling materials were used per cartons in 2022‭, ‬decreasing sharply by 48.65%‭ ‬from 2020‭.‬

Investing in solar plant developer and serving as a representative director

WT invested NTD12.5 million in Daypower Co., Ltd. in April 2023. WT owns 10% shares of Daypower and serves as a representative director. Daypower is a solar plant developer and completed 5.05 MW installation in 2023. Self-held solar plant reached 2.34 MW installation accumulatively in 2023, which generated 2.9 million kwh in 2023, equaling to 1,435 ton CO2 reduction.


Improved Corporate Governance

Strengthened risk control and self-monitoring to adapt to market conditions 2022 Corporate Governance Facts WT was ranked in the top 5% in the listed companies category, and top 10% in the OTC/TWSE-listed companies in electronics sector with NT$10 billion plus market value category of the 9th Corporate Governance Evaluation The

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A photography-inspired learning program by WT Foundation “We light up the children now, and the children will light up the world in the future.”- Program Manager Jay Hsu Passionate volunteers Reflect lens with lens, influence lives with lives “To me‭, ‬the nearly 55‭ ‬volunteers in Shining Hope are all chosen

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Analysis of material issues

The 19 sustainability issues were surveyed to understand stakeholders’ level of interest In order to understand key stakeholders‭’ ‬concerns and expectations on WT’s sustainability management‭, ‬the 19‭ ‬sustainability issues were made into a questionnaire asking respondents to rank the sustainability issues by their own level of interests and concerns‭. ‬The

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Devoted employees are the biggest push behind the people-oriented company. WT understands that PEOPLE are the most important asset of an enterprise‭, ‬and the biggest push for the company comes from devoted employees‭. ‬In order to create a better work environment for employees and attract professional talents to join the

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