Response to Climate Change

WT's strategy and management in response climate change

Climate change is an issue that needs the world to face together‭, ‬no matter who‭. ‬As a distributor in the semiconductor sector‭, ‬WT has operating bases‭, ‬partners‭, ‬collaborators‭, ‬and vendors all over the world and they are all subject to impacts of climate change‭. ‬WT’s management understands the potential impact of climate change on its operations and long-term development‭. ‬Since 2021‭, ‬it has been promoting relevant management mechanisms and operations‭, ‬formulating policies and goals‭, ‬and investing resources in assessment and research on transition plans‭. ‬In the future‭, ‬it will continue to track the achievement of goals‭, ‬and take a more aggressive course of action accordingly‭.‬

The Climate Change Risk Management Task Force has convened three meetings since the fourth quarter of 2022‭, ‬inviting functional‭ ‬and business units to identify risks and opportunities‭, ‬assess financial impacts‭, ‬and discuss response plans‭. ‬The evaluation and‭ ‬planning results were to be included in the promotion and implementation plan of relevant units‭, ‬and reported to the Board of Directorsas occasionally to support the governance‭.‬

Climate Change Risk and Opportunity Management Process

WT follows the TCFD recommendations‭, ‬WT will continue to follow the climate change risk management process to identify risks and‭ ‬opportunities‭, ‬evaluate response strategies‭, ‬and conduct regular internal and external reports‭.‬

Daily operations and management were analyzed to support risk assessment‭.‬

As WT is not in a sector with intensive or high carbon emissions‭, ‬the impact of climate change is mainly on its value chain‭, ‬including the transition pressure on the vendors and customers‭, ‬and potential physical risks during the transport‭. ‬In order to understand the impact of these transitional and physical risks on WT’s operations‭, ‬WT uses scenario analysis to identify risks and opportunities‭. ‬The assessment results are used for response plan development by relevant units‭, ‬and for daily operation adjustment‭. ‬The Board of Directors are briefed on a quarterly basis the GHG inventory and verification schedule planning progress for the‭ ‬parent company and subsidiaries‭, ‬and requested to determine the guidelines‭. ‬

Therefore‭, ‬WT conducts the annual climate change risk assessment based on the RCP 8.5‭ ‬scenario for physical risk and the national target scenario for transitional risk‭, ‬information such as changes in laws and regulations‭, ‬physical external environment‭, ‬and‭ ‬issues of concern for sustainability assessments‭.‬

Climate Change Risks and Opportunities were reviewed‭.‬

In 2022‭, ‬WT reviewed the ranking of risks and opportunities identified in 2021‭. ‬For implementation benefits‭, ‬those involving short-time impacts‭ (‬1-3‭ ‬years‭) ‬were re-assessed for current implementation status‭, ‬impact scale‭, ‬financial impact‭, ‬with which three‭ ‬key risks and two major opportunities were identified as requiring continuous attention‭.‬

Climate Change Risks
Financial Impacts
Response Strategies and Solutions

Increased severity and frequency of extreme weather events‭ (‬typhoons‭, ‬heavy rains‭, ‬etc‭.)‬

· Reduced asset value
· Reduced useful life of assets
Note: A financial impact of up to NTD 26 million could be possible, based on the assumptions and calculation factors set internally by WT.

Short-term: Follow meteorological information in real time, plan corresponding prevention and response measures against different natural disasters, and maintain full communication with the park's management center;
Mid-term: Purchase property insurance focus on transferring and diversifying risks, and continuously evaluate the locations of important facilities that need to be installed in areas that are less affected by climate;
Long-term: Assess climate change factors (such as flood resistance, earthquake resistance) when selecting new or relocating operating bases.

Extremely high temperature

· Increased operating expenses
Note: A financial impact of more than NTD 1.08 million per year could be possible, based on the assumptions and calculation factors set internally by WT.

Short-term: Give priority to products with energy-saving labels and install energy-saving facilities whenever possible, including office air conditioning, electrical appliances, office machines, and regularly review the energy-saving performance of each unit, continue to promote energy-saving awareness through various activities, translate knowledge into employees' practic in order to reduce energy dependence;
Mid-term: Continue to check whether the replacement plan is in line with the latest trends to ensure that the energy efficiency of the replacement meets expectations;
Long-term: Establish reliable energy supply strategies, including seeking alternatives and developing renewables.

Supply chain transportation affected by extreme weather events

· Increased capital cost
Note: A financial impact of more than NTD 220,000 per day could be possible, based on the assumptions and calculation factors set internally by WT.

Strengthen communication with customers‭, ‬including information exchange on climate change-related impacts‭, ‬to mitigate the impact of supply chain transportation‭.‬

Note‭: ‬Short-term 1-3‭ ‬years‭, ‬mid-term 3-5‭ ‬years‭, ‬long-term 5‭ ‬years and more

Climate Change Opportunities
Financial Impacts
Response Strategies and Solutions

Reduced capital cost

· Reduced operating costs

Continue to pay attention to the sustainability indicators related to the organization and the performance of the organization-related sustainability indicators‭; ‬actively communicate with financial institutions on green financing conditions‭.‬
At the end of 2022‭, ‬WT has a green financing rate agreement‭.‬

New/expanded low-carbon products or services

· Increased product demand and revenue

Short-term: Plan product applications, analyze classifications, and define low-carbon products;
Mid-term: Keep track of vendors' technical application capabilities, and improve the ability to support vendors' low-carbon products;
Long-term: Promote low-carbon products to customers to increase the proportion of low-carbon product sales.

Guidelines in three aspects for the net zero goals

In response to international trends and Taiwan’s 2050‭ ‬net-zero goal‭, ‬WT set climate change indicators and goals in three aspects‭: ‬governance and strategy‭, ‬operations‭, ‬and GHG reduction‭.‬

Carbon reduction efforts were successful with the target met again in 2022‭.‬

To address the increasingly serious problem of global warming‭, ‬WT follows the national overall GHG reduction strategy towards the sustainable development goal of energy conservation and carbon reduction Since 2018‭, ‬WT has been developing‭, ‬pursuant to ISO 14064-1:2006‭ ‬Part 1‭: ‬Specification with Guidance at the Organization Level for Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals‭, ‬and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol‭, ‬a comprehensive inventory of GHG Scopes 1‭ ‬and 2‭ ‬emissions‭. ‬The inventory is verified by a third party to assure its accuracy and reliability every year‭. ‬With 2018‭ ‬as the base year‭, ‬WT promised to reduce‭ ‬the intensity of its Scopes 1‭ ‬and 2‭ ‬GHG emissions by 1%‭ ‬every year‭, ‬and keep its management policies updated according to the reduction situation‭.‬

In 2022‭, ‬a GHG Inventory Task Force meeting was convened in accordance with the ISO 14064-1:2018‭ ‬Greenhouse Gases to identify major indirect emission sources of the year‭. ‬The meeting resolved that the indirect GHG emissions from purchased electricity‭ (‬Category 2‭: ‬Capital Goods‭) ‬and upstream transportation and distribution‭ (‬Category 4‭) ‬were to be included within the boundaries‭, ‬and‭ ‬the base year changed to 2022‭ ‬after Hong Kong and Singapore Logistics Centers were included within the organizational boundaries‭. ‬A higher target was also set and a promise made to reduce the annual GHG emissions by 2%‭ ‬compared to the base year‭. ‬In 2022‭, ‬the voluntary inventory was extended to include operating bases in China‭, ‬Hong Kong‭, ‬South Korea‭. ‬A voluntary GHG emissions inventory covering all operating bases of the Group is planned to be completed by 2025‭, ‬with the third-party verification completed by 2027‭ ‬at the latest‭.‬

In 2022‭, ‬WT emitted 2,794.05‭ ‬tonnes‭  ‬CO2e of GHG across areas where the inventory was completed‭ (‬including operating bases in Taiwan‭, ‬Hong Kong‭, ‬Singapore‭, ‬China and South Korea‭), ‬of which 1,810.08‭ ‬tonnes‭  ‬CO2e‭  ‬was verified by a third party‭ (‬including Taiwan‭, ‬Hong Kong and Singapore Logistics Centers‭). ‬The intensity of Scopes 1‭ ‬and 2‭ ‬emissions was 0.0028‭ ‬tonnes‭  ‬CO2e/NTD million‭, ‬or 0.0398‭ ‬tonnes‭  ‬CO2e/m²‭. ‬The target was met with a 27.18%‭ ‬reduction in emissions intensity compared to the base year‭ (‬2018‭).‬

Total emission amount
Hong Kong
Southeast Asia& India

Category I


Category II


Category III






Category IV







Category V‭ ‬







Category VI







Over all




A photography-inspired learning program by WT Foundation “We light up the children now, and the children will light up the world in the future.”- Program Manager Jay Hsu Passionate volunteers Reflect lens with lens, influence lives with lives “To me‭, ‬the nearly 55‭ ‬volunteers in Shining Hope are all chosen

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About this Report

WT Microelectronics‭ (‬hereafter abbreviated as WT‭) ‬2022‭ ‬Sustainability Report‭ (‬hereafter referred to as‭ “‬this report‭”) ‬is as follows‭:‬ Disclosure Framework This report is compiled in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards 2021‭ ‬published by the Global Reporting Initiative‭ (‬GRI‭). ‬The information in this report is disclosed in compliance with

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Workplace Safety

Hazards are prevented to create a safe and safe workplace for employees. WT adheres to the occupational safety and health‭ (‬OSH‭) ‬policy of‭ “protecting employees and preventing hazards‭”. ‬It put in place‭ ‬an OSH system pursuant to the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Law‭, ‬and appoints OSH managers‭, ‬fire protection

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Water Resource Management

Active implementation and education have achieved remarkable results in water conservation. The water intake at WT’s operating bases in Taiwan are mainly used for circulated water of air conditioners and daily-life water‭ ‬consumed by employees in office areas‭. ‬The water is entirely sourced from the local water companies‭ (‬fresh water‭)

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