About this Report

WT Microelectronics‭ (‬hereafter abbreviated as WT‭) ‬2022‭ ‬Sustainability Report‭ (‬hereafter referred to as‭ “‬this report‭”) ‬is as follows‭:‬

Disclosure Framework

This report is compiled in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards 2021‭ ‬published by the Global Reporting Initiative‭ (‬GRI‭). ‬The information in this report is disclosed in compliance with the standards‭  ‬for Multiline and Specialty Retailers‭ & ‬Distributors under the sector of Consumer Goods of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board‭ (‬SASB‭), ‬as well as the framework of Task Force on Climate Change-related Financial Disclosures‭ (‬TCFD‭).‬

Disclosure Scope

This report was first released in 2017‭ ‬and an annual report has since been regularly released each year‭. ‬This report presents the overall economic‭, ‬social and environmental performance of WT group’s operating bases in Taiwan as well as subsidiaries in Hong‭ ‬Kong‭, ‬Shanghai‭, ‬Shenzhen‭, ‬South Asia‭, ‬Korea‭, ‬and Japan‭, ‬throughout the period from January 1st to December 31st‭, ‬2022‭. ‬The disclosure covers all the entities included in the group’s consolidated reports and is divided into major operating regions of Taiwan‭, ‬Hong Kong‭, ‬China‭, ‬South Asia‭, ‬South Korea‭, ‬Japan‭. ‬In cases where the data disclosed do not cover all the entities‭, ‬a note is‭ ‬added to describe the scope of the particular disclosure‭. ‬The respective disclosure scopes of‭  ‬all items are provided in‭ “‬5-9‭ ‬Disclosure Scope‭” ‬as well‭. ‬In addition‭, ‬in view of comparability of information‭, ‬only the data of the recent five years are disclosed in principle‭. ‬In cases where the relevant performance information has not been systematically collected or the accuracy of the information can not be validated or verified‭, ‬only the data of one to three years are disclosed‭.‬

About the Disclosure

The sustainability and performance information disclosed in this report have also been disclosed in the ESG section of the official WT website‭. ‬The financial information disclosed in regard to the operating performance have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan‭ (‬PwC Taiwan‭) ‬and are consistent with the information from financial statements attested by public certified accountant‭. ‬The financial disclosures are made in New Taiwan Dollars‭ (‬NT‭$). ‬The other data in this report were compiled by the WT disclosure team‭, ‬with numeral information described in the usual way and rounded in principle‭.‬

Independent Assurance

This report was verified by the British Standards Institution Taiwan Branch‭ (‬BSI Taiwan‭) ‬in accordance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards and the AA1000‭ ‬AS v3‭ ‬Type 1‭ ‬Moderate Assurance Level‭, ‬and confirmed to be in compliance with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards Requirements‭ (‬see 5-10‭ ‬Sustainability Report Independent Assurance Opinion Statement‭).‬

Compilation Process

Step 1 Team formation

Formation of the report disclosure team with individuals appointed by each department

Step 2 Compilation and edition

Compilation by the executive secretary of the ESG sustainable development team and approval by the CSO

Step 3 Approval for release: 

Final approval by the chairman and report to the board meeting‭.‬

This report was produced by an inter-departmental disclosure team‭. ‬The contents were produced by appointed writers of each department‭, ‬compiled by the Executive Secretary of the ESG Sustainable Development Team‭, ‬and verfied by the disclosure team‭. ‬The report was then submitted to the Chief Sustainability Officer‭ (‬CSO‭) ‬for review before the final approval by the chairman‭. ‬The final‭ ‬version was presented to the first subsequent board meeting by the CSO along with the comprehensive results of WT sustainability‭ ‬performance in 2022‭.‬

The last report was released in June 2022‭. ‬This report was released in June 2023‭.‬

Contact person:
Pow Ling‭, ‬General Director of Public Relations Department‭ ‬

14F‭, ‬No.738‭, ‬Chung Cheng Road‭, ‬Chung Ho District‭, ‬New Taipei City 235603‭, ‬Taiwan‭ (‬R.O.C‭.)‬

Telephone:+886-2-8226-9088‭     Email:esg@wtmec.com


Headquartered in Taiwan‭, ‬WT has an extensive marketing and sales channel‭  ‬with 52‭ ‬offices across the world in China‭, ‬South Korea‭, ‬Singapore‭, ‬India‭, ‬Thailand‭, ‬Malaysia‭, ‬Vietnam and other regions‭.‬


Stable Financial Performance

Continued growth in 2022! 28% increase in group operating revenue WT’s operating revenue increased by 28%‭ ‬from NTD447.9‭ ‬billion in 2021‭ ‬to NTD571.2‭ ‬billion in 2022‭. ‬The net profit for 2022‭ ‬was NTD7.6‭ ‬billion‭, ‬and the after-tax EPS was about NT$8.61‭ ‬based on the weighted average number of shares‭.‬ Continuous

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WT Corporate Core Values and Principles

We adhere to a set of definite ethical guidelines‭. ‬Integrity is the fundamental core value of WT and the integral component for‭ ‬all decision-making‭. ‬We always behave honestly and sincerely in all our interactions‭.‬ We stand firm in our commitment to vendors‭, ‬customers‭, ‬employees‭, ‬shareholders and society as a whole‭.

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Enhanced Information Security

A dedicated division was set up to strengthen information security management. In view of the growing importance of information security and increasingly rampant cyber attacks‭, ‬WT set up a dedicated Information Security Department and installed a Chief Information Security Officer at the level of deputy general manager in 2022‭. ‬The

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Health Management

Health of every employee is valued with prevention and promotion measures. WT currently has a full-time health manager in Taiwan to plan and promote employee health management‭. ‬In addition to providing health check consultation and advice to employees‭, ‬doctors are also invited to the company every month for medical consultation

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