Analysis of material issues

The 19 sustainability issues were surveyed to understand stakeholders’ level of interest

In order to understand key stakeholders‭’ ‬concerns and expectations on WT’s sustainability management‭, ‬the 19‭ ‬sustainability issues were made into a questionnaire asking respondents to rank the sustainability issues by their own level of interests and concerns‭. ‬The questionnaires were distributed by respective responsible departments to different stakeholder groups‭, ‬so that the executives may understand each stakeholder group‭’ ‬level of interest for each of the sustainability issues‭. ‬A total of 802‭ ‬questionnaires were returned‭, ‬of which 611‭ ‬were valid‭. ‬

Top three issues of concern

The survey results were analyzed to find out the top three sustainability issues of concern for each stakeholder group‭. ‬WT matched the issues to GRI material topics‭, ‬and disclosed relevant implementation strategies‭, ‬managing policies and plans accordingly‭.‬

The issues were assessed for actual and potential impacts

Each of the 19‭ ‬sustainability issues was assessed by the 22‭ ‬ESG Sustainable Development Team members for severity and probability‭. ‬The severity is evaluated by the levels of positive and negative impacts‭. ‬An issue involving an actual or potential human rights risk is assigned the highest severity level‭. ‬With the stakeholders‭’ ‬degrees of concern for the issues also taken into account‭, ‬a three-dimensional analysis matrix was created as an impact level assessment tool to continuously track the impacts of the sustainability issues‭.‬

20‭ ‬disclosure indicators for 11‭ ‬GRI material topics

We matched key disclosures with the 33‭ ‬economical‭, ‬environmental or social topics of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards‭,‬‭ ‬and identified 11‭ ‬relevant material topics and 20‭ ‬disclosure indicators related to these topics‭. ‬We also consulted the SASB sustainable accounting standards for disclosures relevant to our selected material issues‭.‬

Organizational boundary was defined for the Sustainability Report

The key disclosure issues were individually reviewed for their respective impacts on WT and throughout the value chain at an ESG‭ ‬Sustainable Development Team meeting‭, ‬where the Team members also determined that WT would be the organizational boundary of the Report and the definition of impact scope would vary slightly with issue‭.‬

Nine material issues were disclosed in the Sustainability Report 2022

Each stakeholder group’s respective significance to WT was considered according to the reasoning of sustainability impact assessment‭, ‬and their opinions were incorporated in the implementation and management of each sustainability issue to ensure optimal efficiency and maximum momentum towards sustainability‭.‬

Stakeholders were valued in the proposed response and planning strategies‭.‬

Each stakeholder group’s respective significance to WT was considered according to the reasoning of sustainability impact assessment‭, ‬and their opinions were incorporated in the implementation and management of each sustainability issue to ensure optimal efficiency and maximum momentum towards sustainability‭.‬



A photography-inspired learning program by WT Foundation “We light up the children now, and the children will light up the world in the future.”- Program Manager Jay Hsu Passionate volunteers Reflect lens with lens, influence lives with lives “To me‭, ‬the nearly 55‭ ‬volunteers in Shining Hope are all chosen

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Health Management

Health of every employee is valued with prevention and promotion measures. WT currently has a full-time health manager in Taiwan to plan and promote employee health management‭. ‬In addition to providing health check consultation and advice to employees‭, ‬doctors are also invited to the company every month for medical consultation

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WT Corporate Core Values and Principles

We adhere to a set of definite ethical guidelines‭. ‬Integrity is the fundamental core value of WT and the integral component for‭ ‬all decision-making‭. ‬We always behave honestly and sincerely in all our interactions‭.‬ We stand firm in our commitment to vendors‭, ‬customers‭, ‬employees‭, ‬shareholders and society as a whole‭.

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Talent Development

Complete career planning is offered with a blueprint for sustainable development of talents. An enterprise’s development stems from its belief in talent cultivation‭. ‬WT group values the comprehensive development of employees and creates a work environment suitable for the right people‭. ‬In a fast-changing environment‭, ‬in order to equip the

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