Report Description

WT Microelectronics'(hereafter abbreviated as WT)2021 Sustainability Report (hereafter referred to as ″this report″)is as follows:


The information contained herein follows and was written according to the GRI standards (GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards) of the 2021 Sustainability Report (hereafter referred to as ″this report″). This report is also based on the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB) Multiline and Specialty Retailers and Distributors (MSR) Industry and the Task Force on Climate Change-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) for the consumer goods sector.


This report was first issued in 2017 and has since been issued annually. It is based on the overall performance of WT group’s operations based in Taiwan with subsidiaries in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, South Asia, Korea, and Japan, throughout the period from January 1st to December 31st, 2021, in terms of economic, social and environmental performances. The significant are disclosed as Taiwan, Hong Kong, the PRC, South Asia, Korea and Japan, and are not otherwise specified in subsequent reports. In addition, the comparability of information and data for the last five years are considered and disclosed. Some performance information is only disclosed for the first three years due to the information not yet being collected by the system or the accuracy of the data not yet able to be confirmed.


The sustainability information and performance disclosed in this report have also been disclosed in the ESG section of WT’s website. The financial data disclosed in the operating performance report has been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan (PwC Taiwan) and is based on the financial report information certified by the accountant. Other relevant data in this report were obtained by the members of WT’s disclosure team, and are described in the usual way and rounded to the nearest dollar.


This report was compiled by the disclosure team and summarized by the Executive Secretary of the WT Microelectronics Sustainable Development Team. It was confirmed to be correct by the disclosure team and submitted to the Chief Sustainability Officer for review and final approval by the Directors.


This report has been assured by the British Standards Institution Taiwan (BSI Taiwan) under the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines “Core Option” Adherence Standard and AA1000 AS v3 Type 1 Moderate Assurance Level. They confirmed that this report meets the requirements of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (see page 108 for assurance report).

Previous report release date: June 2021 Current report release date: June 2022
Feel free to contact us about sustainability-related issues
Specialist:Pow Ling, Public Relations Department
Address:14F, No.738, Chung Cheng Road, Chung Ho District, New Taipei City 235603, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Tax Policy

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Employee Relations

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Talent Development

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Information Security

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