Operational Mechanism for Sustainability Management

6 Step Protocol for Sustainability Issue Management

WT voluntary enact sustainable policies and initiatives for environmental, social, corporate governance, and economic and trade compliance. Meanwhile, these sustainable policies and initiatives are all approved by the Board of Directors and published after the approval of the board’s chairman.

In addition, the senior vice president Kerry Hsu was appointed as Chief Corporate Governance Officer by the Board of Directors in 2019 and established an “WT Microelectronics Sustainable Development Team” in 2021. With Dr. Willie Sun, Chief Application Officer as the Chief Sustainability Officer, they report regularly to the Board of Directors on ESG initiatives to understand the types of ESG risks faced in the operation process and the existing management measures.
Under the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines for reporting principles, WT conducted a six-step negotiation process, following the principles of stakeholder inclusiveness, the context of sustainability, materiality and completeness for sustainability issue management, to identify key stakeholders, important issues for disclosure, and to define the scope of information disclosed in the report.


Ethical Management

Transparency, anti-corruptionConvergence with the global corporate governance business philosophy In 2020, WT developed the Social Policy & Code of Conduct, UNCAC Anti-corruption Policy, and the SDGs Policy. These standards align with global corporate governance and anti-corruption concepts and frameworks, including Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Standards, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Corporations, etc. WT has always believed that a social policy and code of conduct are core

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Green Design

Consistent Green Thinking Promote low-loss,high-performance semiconductor components Product design should not only be concerned with the cost, function and quality of the product, but also the potential impact of the product on the environment. We prioritize the selection of parts and components that can improve energy efficiency and do not use harmful substances to achieve energy efficiency, carbon reduction and green requirements.Semiconductor components are an important part of electronic products. In line with the green

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Employee Relations

Awarded Taiwan iSports Certification Bringing each other closer through group activities WT encourages staff to set up and participate in various clubs, which can not only provide physical and mental stimulation in various ways but also cultivate interest outside work. In particular, various activities and competitions are held by sports clubs every year to promote exchanges among staff members on the one hand, and participate in various competitions externally on the other, which can also

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Environmental Management

Raising Carbon Reduction StandardsResponding to the global trend of energy efficiency and carbon reduction In order to respond to the development of the country’s overall greenhouse gas reduction strategy and achieve the sustainable development goal of energy efficiency and carbon reduction, WT has been implementing greenhouse gas inventories on a yearly basis since 2018 and has appointed a third party to carry out verification, with greenhouse gas emissions originally targeted to be reduced by 1%

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