Talent recruitment


Our employees' team spirit is the biggest driving force for the company

WT understands that people are the most important capital of an enterprise and that the company’s greatest impetus for progress comes from its highly motivated employees! In order to create a better working environment for employees and attract outstanding professionals to join the company, WT complies with the laws and regulations of the the areas where its operating bases are located. The Social Policy and Code of Conduct is formulated to commit to safeguarding labour rights and interests. We plan and execute recruitment activities each year in accordance with the annual plan of workforce needs of each department. As of the end of 2021, all employees of WT’s operating bases are employees with indefinite contracts and no employees with fixed-term contracts have been employed, nor have they cooperated with temp agencies to send employees to work at WT.

In order to protect employment opportunities and equality, WT does not require job applicants or employees to indicate their race or ethnicity when they apply for jobs and report for work. We adhere to the requirements of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) for talent diversity standards. Further disclosures on race/ethnicity will be made following the direction and outcome of future revisions to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), starting with national or regional disclosures in 2021.

The turnover rate in the last three years is 12.73%, maintaining a healthy and stable state. 295 people left in 2021 (11.51% turnover rate), which also represents a new low point pver the last three years; The difference between genders is only 1.13%. By age, the turnover rate is only 7.63% for those over 50 and 14.70% for those under 30.

In response to the stable turnover rate and the company’s operational growth needs, 506 new employees (19.73%) were hired in 2021, including a higher rate of female employees (22.44%). Based on age groups, the new entry rate of those under 30 years old is 51.00%, which is relatively high due to greater demands for young talent training for operational expansion, but there is still a new entry rate of 4.42% for those over 50.

The reason for WT’s success is not only the establishment of outstanding talent, but also of its youthful team, with 94.50% of employees possessing tertiary education or above, which enables WT to demonstrate its ability to respond to changes on time, stimulate innovative ideas and encourage vigorous energy in the face of the rapidly changing business environment and market dynamics.

Total number of employees over the years (by gender)

No Data Found

Gender ratio of employees over the years

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Number of employees by gender and year - Middle and Senior Executives

No Data Found

Number of employees by gender and year - Junior Supervisors

No Data Found

Number of employees by gender and year - Engineers and Related Staff

No Data Found

Number of employees by gender and year - Administrative Staff

No Data Found

Number of employees by gender and year - Junior Staff

No Data Found

Note: Middle and senior executives: Section head and abovel;Junior supervisors: team leaders: R&D and application engineer related duties; administrative staff: back office duties not directly related to operations; junior staff: duties directly related to operations.

Statistics on New hires and Employee turnover (by gender)

No Data Found

Statistics on New Hires Rates (by gender)

No Data Found

Statistics on Employee turnover Rates (by gender)

No Data Found

1: The total rate of new wmployee formula: [(new employee hires in 2020)/(Total number full-time employee on December 31, 2020)]* 100%
2: The total rate of employee turnover formula: [(employee turnover in 2020)/(Total number full-time employee on December 31, 2020)]* 100%
3: The number of new hires and the number of employee turnover are deducted from the number of new hires who have left the company during the year.

Number of employees by age group and year - Middle and Senior Executives

No Data Found

Number of employees by age group and year - Junior Supervisors

No Data Found

Number of employees by age group and year - Engineers and Related Staff

No Data Found

Number of employees by age group and year - Administrative Staff

No Data Found

Concept 3 | Respect professionals and lead with experience

WT’s management team is mainly made up of outstanding professionals in the electronic information industry. In addition to our front-line marketing personnel’s years of experience in channel marketing, WT is also proud of our professional back-office support and technical research and development talent. Externally, we are able to promote our current products, obtain new agent lines, and address customer needs; internally, we are constantly improving our financial business structure. Our leading managers have more than 10 years of experience in the semiconductor channel industry. With years of accumulated agency business and sensitivity to market development trends, we are able to facilitate business development and vision planning, and our operations can continue to flourish.

2021 Total number of staff employed over the years (by age)

No Data Found

2020 Total number of staff employed over the years (by age)

No Data Found

2019 Total number of staff employed over the years (by age)

No Data Found

2017 Total number of staff employed over the years (by age)

No Data Found

2018 Total number of staff employed over the years (by age)

No Data Found

Concept 4 | Getting the right people for the right pursuits and fully utilizing people’s talents

WT has been able to grow steadily and continues to pursue excellence in performance thanks to its professional service team. We develop, maintain and utilize all human resources in the organization in the most appropriate manner so that our people and pursuits can be most appropriately coordinated. In order to give full play to the most effective use of human resources and promote organizational development, WT has made every effort to develop human resources management, with a view to achieving the goal of “matching people and pursuits, getting the right people for the right pursuits and fully utilizing people’s talents”, expanding its operational bases to various countries in East Asia and Southeast Asia and recruiting individuals from different countries. The percentage of non-Chinese speaking employees has reached 14.24% in 2021.

Statistics on New hires and Employee turnover (by age) over the years

No Data Found

Statistics on New hires rate (by age)

No Data Found

Statistics on Employee turnover Rate (by age)

No Data Found

2017 Total number of staff employed over the years (by region)

No Data Found

2018 Total number of staff employed over the years (by region)

No Data Found

2019 Total number of staff employed over the years (by region)

No Data Found

2020 Total number of staff employed over the years (by region)

No Data Found

2021 Total number of staff employed over the years (by region)

No Data Found

Statistics on New hires and Employee turnover over the years (by region)

No Data Found

Statistics on New hires Rate and Employee turnover Rate over the years (by Taiwan)

No Data Found

Statistics on New hires Rate and Employee turnover Rate over the years (by Hong Kong)

No Data Found

Statistics on New hires Rate and Employee turnover Rate over the years (by China)

No Data Found

Statistics on New hires Rate and Employee turnover Rate over the years (by South Asia)

No Data Found

Statistics on New hires Rate and Employee turnover Rate over the years (by Korea)

No Data Found

Statistics on New hires Rate and Employee turnover Rate over the years (by Japan)

No Data Found

Percentage of senior executives hired in the field over the years (by region)

No Data Found

In 2021, the percentage of senior executives in each area of operation employing local residents reached 85.42%
1: Senior executive refers to the executive at the division level or above.
2: The local resident of each operation base is defined as the national citizen of the operation point.


Workplace Safety

Proactive training to prevent problems before they occur No work-related injuries for 3 consecutive years WT adheres to an occupational safety and health policy of “protecting employees and preventing hazards,” and promotes the occupational safety system in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. We analyze potential hazards and possible hazards in operations, the causes of hazards in the flowchart of work safety operations, and possible types of hazards to be

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WT sends warmth to frontline healthcare workers with practical action In May 2021, Taiwan was completely sealed off due to the pandemic with many people working from home. We could only hear the sound of ambulances whistling past, which was terrifying. WT donated epidemic prevention funds and materials amounting to NT$5 million to support front-line epidemic prevention hospitals, fire departments and medical personnel, including the emergency epidemic prevention funds of Shuangho Hospital in New Taipei

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Operational Mechanism for Sustainability Management

6 Step Protocol for Sustainability Issue Management WT voluntary enact sustainable policies and initiatives for environmental, social, corporate governance, and economic and trade compliance. Meanwhile, these sustainable policies and initiatives are all approved by the Board of Directors and published after the approval of the board’s chairman. In addition, the senior vice president Kerry Hsu was appointed as Chief Corporate Governance Officer by the Board of Directors in 2019 and established an “WT Microelectronics Sustainable

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Information Security

Enhancement of information security protection capacity Becoming a Tier 1 operation Delivering products to customers on time is the basis of WT’s operations, and system downtime will result in delayed delivery or the inability to deliver products. WT expects to become an enterprise with first-class operational capability in the industry, and a high degree of information security capability is the cornerstone for providing quality services. Third-party organizations such as international certifications and red team assessment

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